Los Angeles CNN  — 

Donald Trump’s election has been a boon for the politics-as-entertainment industry, which has exploded with products, games and entertainment options that feed off the nation’s turbocharged focus on Washington.

For evidence, look no further than the success of “Politicon,” the annual conference for political junkies, activists and fans of political media figures held near Los Angeles since 2015. The conference broke attendance records this year, hosting a crowd of more than 10,000, some of whom spent up to $300 on a summer weekend attending panels and debates, meeting political television personalities, arguing and connecting with groups to get more involved in political causes. And it’s not even an election year.

And Trump, some said, is key to the surge in interest.

“We give a lot of credit to Trump because it really made the cult of personality come to politics,” said Dave Sliepka, who sells political trading cards. “It’s more of a nationwide thing. Politics has taking on a completely different life than we saw three, four, eight years ago.”

Over two days at Politicon, attendees could audition for an “American Idol” television show where contestants vie to become political candidates, swap political trading cards, snag autographs from famous politicians, sign up to join political parties or have their picture taken with cosplay characters dressed as White House counselor Kellyanne Conway or any number of Founding Fathers.

Watch the video for a look at the conference.